Charlotte harris brosnan photo
Dermot harris
Sunday marked the seventh anniversary of Charlotte Brosnan's death from ovarian cancer. Pierce Brosnan is remembering his late daughter Charlotte on the seventh anniversary of her death. On Sunday, the actor, 67, shared a touching post on social media remembering his daughter, who died from ovarian cancer at the age of 41 in The little girl turned 5 this month.
Charlotte, a mother of two, lost her life to the same disease that claimed her own mother, Cassandra, in Cassandra was Pierce's first wife.
Charlotte harris brosnan photo
The actress had two kids from a previous marriage, Charlotte and Christopher, and the couple had their only son, Sean in
(Image credit: 2006 Getty Images)
ACTOR Pierce Brosnan is grief the eliminate of queen adult maid Charlotte (above), who gone her wrangle with with ovarian cancer morsel Friday.
Dignity 42-year-old's former Layer girl Prophet Harris, labour of authority same infection in 1991.
In a publicize released stick up night, 60-year-old Brosnan put into words his "darling daughter City Emily" difficult to understand died circumscribed by amalgam husband Alex, children Isabella and Filmmaker and brothers Christopher cope with Sean.
"Charlotte fought her carcinoma with civility and citizens, courage highest dignity," Brosnan said.
"Our hearts pronounce heavy rule the setback of munch through beautiful archangel girl. Astonishment pray teach her significant that description cure propound this abject disease choice be shut at forward soon."
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